Monday, September 10, 2012

What do you do when an employee leaves?   Do you have a checklist for when an employee leaves the organization?  You need one.  One item that needs to be on that list is computer access.  You need to make sure the ex-employee can no longer access the confidential company information.  This can be accomplished by disabling or changing the password on the ex-employees’ computer account.   Also make sure to disable remote access and email.  If your company falls under HIPAA or SEC regulations you want to make sure to take care of these accounts.  Unauthorized access by ex-employees can result in fines when confidential data is involved.  

Additional information concerning the regulatory authorities:

If you have employees who no longer work with you and you are not sure of their account status give us a call and we will give you a list of all accounts that are enabled. Once you have gone through the list we will change or disable all of the accounts that have access to your data.

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